Minute by minute

my thoughts on making the most out of all of life's minutes…

About Me

I have been running my own small business since 2001.  In this role, I have performed all duties that pertain to a small business.  These include handling all accounting, legal and employment issues, developing a marketing and advertising campaign, managing 200 plus clients and 10 independent contractors.  Running my own company and working for myself has been the most challenging and rewarding experience of my professional career.

In addition to my professional life, I have two young sons and a husband.  We like to stay active and busy, so learning to balance everyone’s schedules and needs has been a challenge.  I learned quickly that many of the practices I used in running my company I can apply to my home life too.

Throughout the years, I have begun advising my fellow small business owners and fellow parents on ways to trim excess work in their daily routines.  Together we have found ways to cut excess work and waste to allow for more personal time.

My two philosophies in life are:

  • Keep it simple
  • Keep it honest

I find more minutes in your day. I specialize in time management, goal setting and prioritizing tasks for small business, busy professionals and active families.

Welcome to my blog.  I hope to share ideas, tips and time-saving practices with you.  Please read on…I hope you find my blog helpful. If so – come back soon, or better yet, subscribe to it and receive email updates whenever I add a post.  If you find it really helpful, I hope you will share it with your friends and colleagues.